Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shelby Supercar, Tuatara're sold out in Dubai International Motor Show

DUBAI, - Jerod Shelby - Shelby Supercar owners - said it deliberately joined the exhibition to introduce the product while enhancing brand presence (brand awarness) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

"This is a great car show was phenomenal for us and could sell 10 cars in a single cast. We do not intend to sell cars in Dubai, just want to look for local partners as distributors and introduce our brand," revealed by Jerod Shelby.

Are curious to see its original form, could see in the video.

Shelby intention to follow the exhibition of "Dubai International Motor Show" to display Tuatara, mid-November and then want to look for local partners. American car manufacturers in particular makes it even supersport car profit.

Imagine, tuatara worth 1.3 million U.S. dollars per unit and Shelby took 10 units. Everything is sold out in just five days exhibition.

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