Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rima Fakih, Miss USA, can not get out of the controversy

Michigan - Rima was born in Lebanon. His family moved to New York when she was 7 years old. He then moved to Michigan, where he study at the university bench.

Bachelor of Economics that had made ​​headlines in the media world for being the first Miss USA and Americans of Arab descent.

Miss USA Rima Fakih
can not get out of the controversy. Beautiful woman-American of Lebanese descent was caught driving while drunk.

As reported by TMZ, Wednesday (07/12/2011) she was arrested by the police in Highland Park, Michigan, Saturday, December 10, 2011 last.

On twitter account, Fakih was evasive when he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. "Let's Clear Things up now .... I'm NOT in Michigan and I'm NOT in jail! Wrong Fakih.".

But it was immediately contradicted himself by his lawyer that is Doraid Elder. Elder confirmed that Fakih was arrested was driving while intoxicated.

"Unfortunately, he was arrested," said Elder.

Levels of alcohol in the body Rima reached 0.20, more than twice the allowable levels ie 0.08. Rima is scheduled to present in court on December 21, 2011 and threatened with imprisonment of 3 months.

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