Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nissan will start making four-cylinder engines for the Mercedes-Benz in 2014

Mercedes-Benz center adds to its efforts to contain four-cylinder vehicles to meet fuel efficiency standards and greenhouse gas emissions are increasingly stringent in the United States.

The reason, according to the U.S. environmental protection agency (EPA) between the 14 largest U.S. automaker, Daimler recorded as a vehicle with a fuel efficiency of the second worst in the 2010 model year Chrysler products.

NISSAN agreed to make four-cylinder engines in their factory in Tennessee USA for use on Mercedes-Benz cars, marking the continuation of cooperation that has been made since 2010 between the parent company of Mercedes-Benz of Daimler AG with Renault-Nissan Alliance.

Nissan will start making four-cylinder engines for the Mercedes-Benz in 2014 and will expand production of these machines up to 250 thousand units per year, as the statement issued by Daimler AG recently.

The machines will be used on cars Mercedes-Benz C-Class for North American market are made in the Daimler factory in Alabama.

Daimler-Nissan Alliance and Reanault start cooperation in 2010 in a deal that gives Daimler 3.1 percent stake in Rennault and Nissan and Renault-Nissan also get a 3.1 percent stake in Daimler.

Partnership Among them are efforts to combine designs on vehicles two-seater Smart (Daimler) and the Renault Twingo. In addition, Daimler will supply batteries for electric-vehicle batteries EV Twingo, while the Renault-Nissan to make electric motors for the Smart EV.

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