Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FIA cancels Lotus' Reactive Suspension

It is not clear, why only now the FIA ​​banned the reactive suspension. When the site last week proclaimed Autosport, the FIA ​​has given the green light to the idea of ​​Lotus. Perhaps, the ban came after the team proved to the FIA ​​Lotus breakthrough if it is contrary to regulations.

News about the FIA ​​ban was first leaked on the webcast of The Flying Lap and chief operating engineer Mark Williams Gillen received a letter from the FIA on Friday. According to Mark, the results of investigations of the system does have an impact on the aerodynamics.

FIA cancels Lotus' Reactive Suspension

"We have investigated the reactive suspension system for a while. This finding has an impact on the platform of the car aerodynamics. Thus, the front which will go up (rising) a lower, thus benefiting from the perspective of aerodynamics," said Mark.

This breakthrough has been tested in Abu Dhabi by a young rider. As the car to maneuver around the corner, the front was helped not lifted too high.

While Ferrari, as team leader Stefano Domenicali revealed that what was said was more concerned about stability when braking done. "But, surely we Seli Diki, whether it affects the power system. And we waited for a response from the FIA," said Stefano.

FIA has sent a letter to all the F1 teams which forbade racing car suspension system using Lotus pioneered reactive in season 2012. In a letter delivered Friday (19/01/2012) mentioned that the international automobile federation less agree with the concept.

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