If it was drunk from drinking too much, sometimes people act in spite of himself. A young woman doing things that probably will be remembered forever by the police officer penilangnya.
Arguably this is a unique story. When it got to the police, Watson did not act like other people who bowed sluggish when photographed by the police.
He even smiled broadly as he held up two thumbs. Be suspect of the most unique images ever obtained of Arizona police.
Initially witnesses saw Watson driving a Honda Civic while intoxicated. Watson drove his car and was hit with a zigzag.
Unique story from Drunk girl, Michelle Watson
When police approached the car and asked Watson Watson to perform sobriety test, Watson refused and issued harsh words.
Not enough with that, when police searched her bag and attempt to handcuff Watson, ouchh, Watson then kicked pubic police ticket with his right knee.
The policeman then struggled with Watson and handcuffed the woman was drunk and put into a patrol car. Watson was in the car would not shut up, he kept kicking the car until the police finally forced Watson to remain silent.
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