Friday, October 14, 2011

Vandalism damage to luxury cars

As reported by The Australian, Friday (10/14/2011) action has led to the man causing damaged car paint. Action is not commendable that he did in the City of Morley, at least 135 units of luxury cars to be victims.

Vandalism damage to luxury cars seem to be increasingly becoming a trend. If previously there was a woman from San Jose in California, there is now a man of Western Australia, Gilles Gaudet (46) who do the same.

One victim was the owner of Perth Glory football team, Antony William Paul Sage or better known as Tony Sage.

Because of his unusual behavior, Gaudet has been retained to run the trial on November 8, 2011.

Do not know what motive the man who is known as one civil servant in one of the Australian government.

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