Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Honda Civic suddenly hit the car of Justin Bieber

Los Angeles - A Honda Civic hit the car suddenly Bieber while passing in the area of ​​Studio City,LosAngles, USA. Fortunately, according to police in Los Angeles, both Justin and themotorist whohit no one was hurt.

Singer of Pop and R & B young Canadian, Justin reportedly suffered an accident while driving aFerrari. Ferrari driven by 17-year-old boy was reportedlysuffered minor damage due to a driver ofthe Honda Civic.

The incidence of the collision was not considered a criminal act by the local police. Afterpeace talks, the two left the scene.

"There were no injuries and no significant damage to both vehicles," said a statementfrom the LosAngeles Police Department as reported by CNN.

A Honda Civic suddenly hit the car of Justin Bieber

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