Friday, September 9, 2011

China launched a subsidy in five major cities for hybrid and electric vehicles and plug-ins

BEIJING - Last year, China launched a subsidy in five major cities for hybrid and electric vehicles and plug-ins, in the form of direct rebates to 60,000 yuan (electric cars) and 50,000 yuan (plug-in hybrid cars). While conventional hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius are not given for incentives.

China launched a subsidy in five major cities for hybrid and electric vehicles and plug-ins

General Motors Company opposed the Chinese Government plans to force foreign manufacturers to transfer new technologies of local firms. The world's largest car manufacturers are now lobbying local officials to obtain a tax rebate incentives for the Chevrolet Volt without having to share their knowledge. The New York Times (8 / 9) launch, the Chinese government urged GM's Volt technology transfer immediately into SAIC Motor Corp. Actually, not only GM who requested transfer of technology, as well as other principal operating at the Bamboo Curtain country. Regulation of technology transfer requirement has been formulated and issued by the end of September.

China claimed to be interested in the development of three main components of electric cars, namely electric motors, batteries and electrical control. In exchange, the government offers tax relief incentives so they can price more competitively.

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